The Application Security Weekly podcast delivers interviews and news from the worlds of AppSec, DevOps, DevSecOps, and all the other ways people find and fix software flaws. Join hosts Mike Shema, John Kinsella, and Akira Brand on a journey through modern security practices for apps, clouds, containers, and more.


Title Date published
IIS Bug, Browsers & Androids & Supply Chains Oh My! - ASW #152 2021-05-25
Bringing AppSec to a Modern CI Pipeline - Manish Gupta - ASW #152 2021-05-24
CNCF Supply Chain, Frag Attacks, Securing Webhooks, & Complexity vs. Security - ASW #151 2021-05-18
Third Party Software Risk on the Web - Aanand Krishnan - ASW #151 2021-05-18
AirTags & Threat Models, Qualcomm Modem Vuln, Exim RCE(s), & Binary Hardening - ASW #150 2021-05-11
Delivering On the Promise of Application Security - Ankur Shah - ASW #150 2021-05-10
BadAlloc Vulns, Gatekeeper Bypass, & More Spectre in Micro-Op Caches - ASW #149 2021-05-04
Why Developers Need to Think Differently About Software Security - Rey Bango - ASW #149 2021-05-03
Signal Aesthetics, AirDrop Privacy, Safety vs. Security, & Data Ordering Attacks - ASW #148 2021-04-27
Deceptive Diffs From Subversive Submitters - ASW #148 2021-04-26
Rust in Android, Vuln Disclosure, Postmortems, & BootHole Follow-Up - ASW #147 2021-04-20
Supply Chain Management - Doug Barbin - ASW #147 2021-04-19
Malicious PHP Commits, OAuth Attacks & XML Injection, & Zines For DevSecOps - ASW #146 2021-04-06
Shifting Right: What Security Engineers Can Learn From DevSecOps - Leif Dreizler - ASW #146 2021-04-05
TikTok Analysis, Patching Patches, CI/CD Integrity, Faster Fuzzing, & Slack Safety - ASW #145 2021-03-30
OWASP Top 10 of 2021 - Andrew van der Stock - ASW #145 2021-03-29
Supply Chains in Azure SDK/Xcode, GitHub Sessions, & GCP VRP - ASW #144 2021-03-23
Approaching AppSec Like a Hacker - Johanna Ydergard, Roberto Giachetta - ASW #144 2021-03-22
Unauth'd RCE, "Regexploits", Post-Spectre Web, & SigStore Signing - ASW #143 2021-03-16
Cloud Native Security Platforms - John Morello - ASW #143 2021-03-15

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