Is there a science to being happy? Does our brain chemistry, or even our genetics, determine how we feel about our lives? Can we learn to become even happier? While happiness may look different for everyone, and can at times feel impossible to achieve, we know it’s an emotion that can be crucial to both your physical and mental health. So in this season of Chasing Life, Dr. Sanjay Gupta is setting out to better understand happiness and what the science tells us about the best ways to achieve it.  


Title Date published
We’re in a Humanitarian Crisis 2020-11-13
A Surge in South Dakota 2020-11-12
The Mystery of the Viral Dose 2020-11-11
The President-Elect's Pandemic Plan 2020-11-10
Flushing Out the Virus 2020-11-09
Singing in the Silent Spring 2020-11-06
The Scalpel and the Sledgehammer 2020-11-05
Your Stress is Showing 2020-11-04
Breathe In, Breathe Out 2020-11-03
When Will Life Return to Normal? 2020-11-02
Dr. Craig Spencer's Long Haul 2020-10-30
The Coronavirus Campaign 2020-10-29
Talking Turkey 2020-10-28
Back at the Ball Game 2020-10-27
Halloween Isn't Canceled! 2020-10-26
A Dilemma on a Dark Road in Georgia 2020-10-23
Avoiding the Virus and the Doctor 2020-10-22
The Mixed Messages on Masks 2020-10-21
Europe’s Second Wave 2020-10-20
Fact Checking Immunity, Travel & Masks 2020-10-19

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