Homeschool * Home Education * Motherhood * Homemaking * Parenting Do you wish you could feel confident in your homeschool decisions? Are you concerned that you aren’t doing it right? Do you wish you could get answers to all your homeschooling questions? Are you struggling to balance all your roles in this season of life? In this podcast, you will find tactical and realistic solutions to set you free from the concerns and stress of whether you are doing the right things. My mission is to equip you in your calling to embrace and then thrive in your homeschool, motherhood, and homemaking. If you’re ready to get out of survival mode, feel confident, and have peace in your heart and home--you’re in the right place! Hi, I’m Leigh, a kingdom-minded wife and mom. I tried to duct tape my priorities together without the right focus for way too many years. I was busy chasing approval from others, trying to meet perceived external expectations, and flying by the seat of my pants as a homeschool mom. I finally realized that if I was going to fully embrace the life I had, I needed to operate from a place of peace and joy. That’s when I planted my feet firmly where I was and began to create beauty, seek simplicity, and live intentionally. And I’m ready to share this with you! If you are ready to love your life as a homeschool mom and to know for certainty that you are doing the right thing for your children--this podcast is for you! Close up that lesson book, mama, let the kids go play, it’s time for you to thrive! Let’s work together and get your homeschool to the place you just know it can be. We all can get stuck and not know what to do, how to adjust, or if we’re even doing it right. We’ll dive in deep to all the homeschool hot topics and create the homeschool that you and your children will thrive in! ENROLL IN CLARIFY YOUR HOMESCHOOL TODAY --> Connect -> Community -> Instagram -> @littlebylittlehomeschool


Title Date published
44. How Long Should Homeschool Math Take? And What Should a Mom Do When a Student Takes Hours to Complete This Subject? 2022-05-16
43. 3 Lessons Homeschool Moms Should Continue With Their Child Through the Summer Break 2022-05-12
42. How to Celebrate Your Homeschool Graduate in a Way That Honors the Homeschooling Lifestyle 2022-05-10
41. How Does a Homeschool Mom Know What to Keep and What to Toss? The Great Declutter Debate. 2022-05-09
BONUS: Happy Mother’s Day, Homeschool Mom & A Time Sensitive Gift For You! 2022-05-06
40. 3 Reasons Why You Are the Best Teacher For Your Child and Why You Don’t Have to Outsource Their Education 2022-05-05
39. Why Searching Online for How to Homeschool is the Worst Thing to Do and What You Need to Do Instead 2022-05-03
38. Gain Clarity for YOUR Homeschool Lifestyle TODAY--Exciting Announcement! 2022-05-02
37. Ready to Have Peace in Your Home Once and For All? Do These 2 Things...Daily! 2022-04-28
36. 5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Homeschooling: What My Public School Education Didn’t Tell Me 2022-04-26
35. Simple Tips for a Homeschool Mom’s Daily Routine to Stay on Track When No One Is There To Keep Her Accountable 2022-04-25
34. How Homeschooling Will Give you the Motherhood You’ve Always Dreamed Of and Why it is Counter-Cultural 2022-04-21
33. Why the Fear of Failure is Holding Moms Back From Homeschooling and 3 Steps to Overcoming This Thought 2022-04-19
32. How to Talk to Your Family Members About Your Decision to Homeschool: A 3 Step Process to Make This Easy 2022-04-18
31. Why a Homeschool Graduate Does Not Need to Attend College and What the Future Looks Like for College in General 2022-04-14
30. Top 3 Spring Cleaning Tips for the Stay at Home Homeschooling Mom and How to Deep Clean and Keep Up with Housework 2022-04-12
29. The Best Way for Homeschool Parents to Respond to Public School Parents Asking When They’ll Put Their Children Back in ”Real School” 2022-04-11
28. Why Parents Shouldn’t Focus on the Best Homeschool Program for a Child and What You Should Do Instead 2022-04-07
27. Homeschool Co-Ops: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly--Should Your Family Join or Avoid? 2022-04-05
26. How to Keep an Easily Distracted Child Self-Motivated in their Homeschool Studies and Why Moms Should Spend Time on This 2022-04-04

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